Monday, July 19, 2010

hello world.

You know what's funny about travel?

It's the realization that comes with you when you step off the place you once thought you knew so like the back of your hands- the realization that, well, you didn't really know it THAT well.

You see, I thought I was over tripping the wobbly brick pathways of Williamsburg, tired of the silence that rolls around the town after 8pm, fed up that the only thing open after 8... was WAWA-- at least for the time being.

Turns out I wasn't.

I had plans to go to New York-- sprawling cement playground with good food, and non-stop entertainment. heard of it? My type of place for sure.

And it is...but just not quite home, yet.

ITS AWESOME, dont get me wrong, i would love to live here after graduation.. but lying in bed looking at the traffic rush through 3rd Av. and hearing the constant sirens and rushing people in suits, I realized that I'd made the right choice living in Williamsburg. Because the city, well, it's always in a rush and in a way it forces you to grow up- im still trying to perfect the starbucks-in-hand-im-cool-independent-and-dontreallyhavetimetowaste look (the slowest way possible, i can be an adult later).

In that little bubble I thought I knew, I had the best laughs with some of the best people (after 8pm of course), seeked "fun" in its simplest forms (hall bathroom dance parties anyone?), and had countless help from random strangers about tasks like writing a check.

And maybe-- williamsburg has made me soft, thawed my city heart out a bit. Because I've got to admit, I've become attached (and from someone with commitment issues, this is BIG): to wm, the people, and eveything around it-- and its nice to have this warm fuzzy spot i can always tell myself to refer back to.

Moral of this rambling is, i guess i don't really know the back of my hand that well.. maybe some kid came by and painted a nice picture for me to see when i did bother to look at it. who knows?

i'll leave you with a few lines from "say hey" by michael franti-- i know it's a love song but i thought it suited (:

"say hey, i be gone today,
but i be back from around the way
seems like everywhere i go,
the more i see, the less i know
but i know one thing, that i love you."