Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Unset Mindset

Right now, there is no emotion that I can truly convey.
But I can breathe in the sweet air surrounding me today.

I don’t care to analyze the should-have-beens, yesteryear or yore.
I am not here to contemplate my life as it was before.

I won’t look at the tomorrows. No whats, ifs, or whys.
No more doubting, no more tears, no more solemn goodbyes.

I won’t predict the future, assume nor ascertain.
I won’t plan for forever, but I’ll forget how to complain.

I will cast away these worries, for they are not mine to bear.
I’m erasing words that chill my bones, including hate, pain and despair.

I will dream, not strive to dream, nor live just as others do.
And the criticism I will surely suppress, subjugate, subdue.

For today is the present, and I’ve never felt so alive.
And, quite simply, that is all that my mind needs to contrive.